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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Support for OpenVMS Hobbyists?

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The Question is:

How does one get customer support for a hobbyist license?
Assume that I have acquired a hobbyist license, and that I need to find out
how to do something in VMS. I have searched the documentation, to no avail.
I have looked at the FAQ, and checked the Wizard's archives, but still
What are my options? Newsgroups? A support email-address for hobbyists?

The Answer is :

  There is per-call support available for folks with the hobbyist license
  through the customer support center.  Various folks -- after having checked
  the OpenVMS FAQ and various other resources available -- will ask their
  question(s) here, or in the comp.os.vms newsgroup.

answer written or last revised on ( 1-SEP-1999 )

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