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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Booting OpenVMS on IDE Hard Disk?

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The Question is:

Can VMS be installed on an IDE disk drive ?
I have read where VMS supports booting from an IDE CDROM, and this would
seem to be a logical extension.
I have a 164LX motherboard, and an IDE disk that the SRM 5.1-3 console shows
as jkc0., with a SCSI disk and CDROM, dka0 and dkb400. When I boot
the VMS 7.2 CDROM, and select the installation, and show the devices, the
IDE disk does not show. I was
 expecting it to show a JKC, DKC, or (from the IDE CD questions) a DQx
Am I doing something wrong, or am I missing a piece of the puzzle? Do I need
the diskette patch kit as noted in the IDE CDROM questions?

The Answer is :

  IDE hard disks are presently not supported by OpenVMS.  Use SCSI.

answer written or last revised on ( 1-SEP-1999 )

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