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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Requirements for DECwindows?

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The Question is:

What are the Hardware & Software requirements to enable the CDE on my Alpha
4000 5/400 console. ?
Currently I only have "dotted black lines" across the top of the screen,
whenever I select CTRL/F2 to select the NON-OPCOM window.
Current System & graphics:
ALPHA 4000 5/400
System Motherboard	23803-02
PCI Motherboard	B3050-AA
S3 Trio64/Trio32  88115333   0000  vga0
Hope you can help.

The Answer is :

  Select the DECwindows support files during the OpenVMS installation
  (use the PRODUCT RECONFIGURE option from the bootable environment CD-ROM
  if this was not chosen originally), install the DECwindows Motif CDE kit,
  install the associated DECwindows ECO kit for the release in use, set the
  WINDOW_SYSTEM system parameter to 1 in MODPARAMS.DAT, AUTOGEN and reboot.
  For specific memory requirements, see the DECwindows Software Product
  Description (SPD).  Various S3 Trio64 cards are supported -- make sure
  you have a 2MB variant, not the 1MB variant.
  The configuration for the S3 Trio64 is established using information
  from the file:
  To check the activity of the X Windows server, please see the file:
  The server will generally tell you of any errors that arise, and will
  also tell you about the particular graphics controller.

answer written or last revised on ( 1-SEP-1999 )

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