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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Telnet, Hangup, and Process Disconnection?

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The Question is:

Hi Wizard,
   I am facing some problems with my telnet sessions now.  I connect to a
alpha system using telnet and start a process using that terminal.  Once the
process starts running I just disconnect the telnet session.  After that the
process that has been start
ed still hangs around in the system.  Is there any way to just terminate the
process automatically once the telnet session is disconnected?  Or will it
be possible for the process to detect that the telnet sessions is
disconnected and then just terminate
itself?  Is this happening because the exception handler is not processing
the ss$_hangup status or is it because of the telnet daemon is not sending
any signal when it disconnects?  Any suggestions regarding this will be
greatly appreciated.  Thanks.
Note: I am using ucx ver 4.2
- Kumaravel.

The Answer is :

  Please apply the current ECO for TCP/IP Services V4.2, or please upgrade
  (since you are running OpenVMS V7.1 or later) to TCP/IP Services V5.0,
  V5.0A, or later.
  Please ensure that any application hangup AST -- this uses the same
  mechanism as the CTRL/Y and CTRL/C ASTs, returning SS$_HANGUP -- is
  correctly coded.
  If the problem persists with the current TCP/IP Services and latest ECO
  kit installed, and -- more importantly -- with correctly coded hangup
  ASTs in the running application, please contact the Compaq Customer
  Support Center directly.

answer written or last revised on ( 7-SEP-1999 )

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