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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Determining Installed Products and Versions?

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The Question is:

I need to know what is the current version of every DEC programming langauge
like PASCAL, FORTRAN, C, etc., already installed on a system with OVMS6.2.
I have tryied to display the current version with the followin command:
$ ANALYZE/IMAGE/INTER product-name
(this command work very well with BASIC, and COBOL only).
How may I know what is the current version of every DEC programming language
I have on the system?.

The Answer is :

  The usual mechanism to determine the layered products and product versions
  are installed on an OpenVMS Alpha system is via the PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT
  and VMSINSTAL.HISTORY files.  (Unfortunately, this approach is not entirely
  reliable, and no completely generic means exists to determine every package
  installed.  Not every product uses PCSI or VMSINSTAL, for instance -- one
  example of such a product is Netscape FastTrack.)
  Compaq Customer Services has a service offering which can determine the
  current configuration and version of most OpenVMS layered products, if
  you wish to acquire assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 7-SEP-1999 )

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