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HP OpenVMS Systems

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ping and multiple Ethernet cards?

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The Question is:

Dear Wizard:
We've got an Alpha machine with two Ethernet cards. We've configured both
interfaces with IP addresses belonging to the same network segment. The
trouble is that when we send a ping from any other machine to any of these
addresses, the ping request goes i
nto the right interface but the answer is sent always from one Ethernet card
(even if the IP address referred is assigned to the other card), the one
that has the higher IP address asigned. I don't know if it is the normal
behavior, if it's a configuratio
n problem or if it's a bug.

The Answer is :

  If both interfaces are in the same subnet, the particular
  interface chosen is not entirely deterministic.  With the
  interfaces configured into different subnets, the same
  interface that received the ping will respond to it.
  If you are using TCP/IP Services V5.0, please consider an
  upgrade to the V5.0A release.

answer written or last revised on ( 14-SEP-1999 )

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