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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Serial Lines and Modems?

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The Question is:

Is it possible to obtain remote console access on a VAX 3100 Model 80?  With
the system halted, I have tried several modems, and can connect to the modem
but no response from the VAX.  This works on 3100 Model 40'. Also works with
VAXstation's flipping th
e S3 switch for alternate console mode.  We tried flipping what looks like
an S3 switch on the back of the model 80, and it switched console output
from port 0 to 3 (I think), but still no response when connecting a modem.
Is there something different be
tween the OPA0 MMJ on a Model 40 and a Model 80?

The Answer is :

  Please be VERY careful when specifying the product names.  There is no
  such system as the "VAX 3100 model 80", though there is a MicroVAX 3100
  model 80.  There are potentially two very different systems for the "3100
  model 40", the MicroVAX 3100 model 40, and the VAXstation 3100 model 40.
  As stated, these latter two systems are very different systems.  Thanks!
  If you have the serial console enabled, then local and remote access
  operate the same -- barring any differences in the modem signals available
  and any other differences such as the serial line speeds and such.
  The OpenVMS Wizard would strongly encourage testing first with a local
  serial terminal, before working with a modem.  Access to a serial line
  testing device -- often known as a breakout box -- is also invaluable.
  (The breakout box allows you to directly see what is happening with the
  serial line, and particularly with the serial line signaling.)
  Please realize that MMJ does not permit nor support the modem control
  signals.  This can lead to a serious security risk when a modem is used,
  as the OpenVMS process management normally expected when the modem call
  drops or when the user logs out is not available.
  The OpenVMS Wizard would not expect particularly much information on an
  alternate console with the MicroVAX 3100 series, as -- unlike the various
  VAXstation series systems -- the MicroVAX systems do not particularly need
  an alternate console.
  Also please see the extensive previous discussions of configuring and
  using modems on OpenVMS systems here in Ask The Wizard.

answer written or last revised on ( 9-SEP-1999 )

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