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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Logins are currently disabled; try again later?

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The Question is:

Why does "Logins are currently disabled; try again later" appear when I try
and log in to an account other than "system"?

The Answer is :

  It means that someone has issued the SET LOGINS/INTERACTIVE=0 command,
  that someone has set the IJOBLIM system parameter to zero, or that the
  system startup failed (eg: a STOP or LOGOUT command in SYSTARTUP_VMS)
  to get as far as the end of the startup, and has failed to issue the
  SET LOGIN command that enables user logins.
  Users with the OPER privilege (such as SYSTEM) are specifically permitted
  to log in on such occasions, permitting performing software maintenance
  tasks whilst also excluding normal users.

answer written or last revised on ( 13-SEP-1999 )

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