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HP OpenVMS Systems

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StorageWorks Power and Thermal Issues?

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The Question is:

We want to add 6, 18 Gb drives to one rack (BA350) in our storage works
We were told that the 150 watt power supplies could have a problem, if one
is failed and all of the disks have to spin up on one 150 they could all
fail due to lack of current to spin up.
Are there any issues related to this that you are aware of?
Pete A.
VMS Tech Services
Cendant Corp.
Trumbull, CT

The Answer is :

  Please contact your hardware support organization -- the information
  you have appears correct, as the available power supplied to the shelf
  can be an issue.  Various StorageWorks shelves can permit (or can require)
  power supply and/or cooling upgrades.
  That said, this discussion is well clear of OpenVMS operating system,
  the forte of the OpenVMS Wizard.

answer written or last revised on ( 17-SEP-1999 )

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