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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Tracking Cluster (SCS) Traffic? (MC)

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The Question is:

Dear Wizzard,
We have a cluster made of two 8400 and one 4100.
The disks are made available to these machines through three 5 ports SCSI
HUBs (to HSZ70s).
The cluster interconnect since last week was only 10BaseTX.
Since Sunday, we have a Memory channel attached to all 3 nodes.
1/ Do you know whether we should have a special value for the "INTERCONNECT"
"parameter" in MODPARAMS.DAT (other than just NI).
2/ Cluster config procedure was not run. Should it be.
3/ Is there any way we could tell (through for example show cluster/cont,
add circuits) that MC is taking priority on NI ?
4/ How can I tell the "generation" as in Memory channel version 1/version 2.
And what's the throughput and latency time of this interconnect ?
Thanks in advance

The Answer is :

  AUTOGEN should generally be used after hardware changes, and after
  changes in system load, and periodically -- this helps tune the system
  to the particular load.
    Note: the INTERCONNECT setting is not specifically a system
    parameter, it is an informational keyword that describes how
    AUTOGEN will process the defaults certain other parameters,
    and particularly the default value for the LOCKDIRWT parameter.
    The settings of INTERCONNECT and BOOTNODE keywords are managed
    Typical values of INTERCONNECT are "NI", NICI", and "NICIMC".
  There are no specific extra system configuration steps that are required
  activate the use of Memory Channel.  The use of CLUSTER_CONFIG is not
  particularly necessary.
  Memory channel will not assist with disk I/O in this OpenVMS Cluster
  As for identifying the particular memory channel controller, please see
  topic 2851 here in Ask The Wizard.
  As for tracking activity, DEFINE SHOW_CLUSTER$INIT to reference a file
  with the following contents.
remove software,member
add sys_id,lpo,conn,cir_sta,rp_rev,msgs_r,msgs_s,kb_map
set int=1
set kb_mapped/wid=8
set msgs_r/wid=8
set msgs_s/wid=8
  SHOW CLUSTER /CONTINUOUS will now automatically display the information
  on path-level activity, as well as other items.

answer written or last revised on ( 15-SEP-1999 )

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