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HP OpenVMS Systems

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VSXXX mouse and LK401 keyboard pinouts?

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The Question is:

Hi ,
I have a question about the interface description for the mouse and the
keyboard of an VAX-Staion 4000/60. I need to know , what is on which pin.

The Answer is :

  If you are thinking of swapping VSXXX-series mice and LK401-series
  keyboard pieces around between PC and older DIGITAL VAXstation,
  MicroVAX, and VAX systems, the task is certainly conceptually
  possible, but it is not as simple as rewiring the signal pins
  around, the protocols that operate over the mouse and keyboard
  serial links are also entirely incompatible.  In addition to the
  electrical issues involved, you will have to design and provide
  a protocol converter.
  The OpenVMS FAQ will provide you with much the same information.
  If you (still) want to pursue this, you will need the (very low
  level) technical descriptions of the older VSXXX series mice, and
  the older LK401 and LK201 series keyboards.  Please contact the
  Compaq Customer Support Center for assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 15-SEP-1999 )

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