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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Multithreaded IP servers?

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The Question is:

I am writing a UCX server program on a OpenVMS 7.1 Alpha 4000 system,how can
I implement a unix
style multi-process(or multi-threading) socket program?
Because In OpenVMS, you cannot issue a unix-style fork() call, after the
accept() function, how can I as soon as possible to process the next waiting
connection request?
Also, how to set the socket option of timeout value?

The Answer is :

  The implementation of one platform's control mechanisms on another
  can lead to problems.
  OpenVMS does not support fork (with the shared address space that
  results), though it does support vfork, as well as support for
  POSIX threading (DECthreads).
  The usual approach for multithreading IP calls on OpenVMS is via
  the sys$qio interface, either using DECthreads or using ASTs.
  Multithreaded servers then created -- using personna services
  if separate user contexts are required.
  Examples are located in TCPIP$EXAMPLES (TCP/IP V5.0 and later)
  and in UCX$EXAMPLES: (prior to V5.0).

answer written or last revised on ( 20-SEP-1999 )

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