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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Problems with IP r commands?

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The Question is:

My VMS system provides rcp service, but I am
having trouble accessing a VMS file using rcp
from a Unix system. Please give an example
of a Unix rcp copy from VMS to Unix.

The Answer is :

  Please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center for assistance with
  this.  Information central to this problem, such as the particular
  "trouble" seen, error messages or log file contents, and the particular
  TCP/IP product and version in use -- is missing from this report.
  For basic information on the rcp command, please see HELP RCP at the
  DCL prompt.  For information on the IP "r" commands, please previous
  discussions here, and see the documentation for whichever TCP/IP transport
  is in use.  If this system is using Compaq TCP/IP Services, please see the
  available TCP/IP Services management documentation available at:

answer written or last revised on ( 20-SEP-1999 )

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