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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Ownership and access control? (Security)

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The Question is:

How do I change access rights on a directory.  For instance I have a user
that needs write access on a directory.  Any help would be appreciated.

The Answer is :

  SET SECURITY is the typical command...
  The OpenVMS Guide to System Security is the usual manual...
  You can use the directory protection mask and ownership, or you can
  add an identifier and an ACL to the target file(s) and directories.
  If you choose to add an identifier and an ACL, consider adding a
  resource identifier, and setting up the directory and the files in
  it to be owned by the resource identifier.  This allows you to set
  up a shared area (either as a common area or as a scratch area), and
  to have resources such as the disk storage charged to the resource
  identifier, and to have the identifier be the owner of the files.
  Extensive details are in the OpenVMS Guide to System Security...

answer written or last revised on ( 21-SEP-1999 )

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