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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Examining disk structures?

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The Question is:

If I do a "show dev/full" for a disk, I can
see the maximum number of files allowed.
How can I find the number of files used, without
using the "DIR" command?
I have over 350,000 files, and the "DIR" command
takes forever.
Is there a utility that can examine the
INDEXF.SYS file and determine the number of
used files?

The Answer is :

  x = f$getdvi("ddcu","MAXFILES")
  $ analyze/disk/statistics sys$sysdevice:
  $ type stats.dat
  $ DFU ! kit is found on the OpenVMS Freeware
  REPORT ddcu:
  DIRECTORY on disk devices with alias entries will display the directory
  information for alias entries multiple times -- both the number of files
  and the disk usage reported will be larger than actual values.  On an
  OpenVMS system disk, this means that DIRECTORY will list all files once,
  and will then list the same files again for each system root found on the
  disk; the system roots are created via directory alias entries.

answer written or last revised on ( 24-SEP-1999 )

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