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HP OpenVMS Systems

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DECwindows CDE and VXT xrdb error?

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The Question is:

After the upgrade to VMS 7.2.1 and DW Motif 1.2-5, our VXT X Terminals
(2000+) produce following error in the user's error log when attempting to
use the new CDE:
dt session: Unable to exec process usr:[bin.X11]xrdb.  No session resources
will be restored.
[(65535)] resource domain not found
The VXT Terminals are able to use the old DECWindows option with no
problems.  The ECO does not seem to address this problem.

The Answer is :

  The normal resource loader used for the DECwindows CDE New Desktop
  From the error message, it appears that the DTLOADRESOURCES has been
  (re)defined to be xrdb, in order to override the default behavior.
  The referenced path for the xrdb tool is the UNIX path, and not the
  OpenVMS path.  The OpenVMS Wizard would thus suspect that there is
  some UNIX-specific customization lurking somewhere on the system.
  Please locate where the (re)definition of DTLOADRESOURCES might be
  arising, using tools such as SEARCH or otherwise.

answer written or last revised on ( 1-OCT-1999 )

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