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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Fortran LUNs and Printers?

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The Question is:

How to define a logical unit to leave to the printer from fortran?

The Answer is :

  Printers themselves do not have LUNs, applications have and use LUNs
  to communicate with external devices such as printers.
  With OpenVMS Fortran, Fortran LUNs are allocated from a pool of
  available LUNs using the LIB$GET_LUN call.
  Redirection of LUNs from outside of Fortran can occasionally be
  performed via the definition of a logical name in the format:
    $ DEFINE FORnnn target
  Where nnn is the zero-filled numeric LUN.  (eg: 006)  If you wish to
  redirect this to a printer or other device, you would need to use the
  direct (spooled) access to the printer device, rather than to the print
  queue name (as is more common with most OpenVMS applications).
  If you have a particular question (and particularly one not answered
  by the above), additional details and/or error message(s) and/or source
  code would be useful -- the OpenVMS Wizard would recommend contacting
  the Compaq Customer Support Center for further assistance, as details
  of the problem will be required.  Further information on Fortran and
  Fortran on OpenVMS can be obtained from the OpenVMS Fortran documentation.

answer written or last revised on ( 4-OCT-1999 )

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