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HP OpenVMS Systems

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DECwindows AUTOLOGIN failures?

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The Question is:

For Y2K reasons, we upgraded our VMS Host computers from ver. 6.1 to 7.1.
We also have about 14 vax-workstations connected to this host, and also
runnning v.7.1.  The question lies around AUTOLOGIN for the workstations.
When we had 6.1, I had modified:
   -> sys$manager:decw$private_apps_setup.com  to include a statement
              $ decw$mainapp = "sys$manager:autologin.com"
   and sys$manager:autologin.com just "submits" to the sys$batch queue a
Detached process to create a terminal. Once this terminal was created, it
launced for the "user" specified, it's normal login process.
  When we went to 7.1, I put these items back in but it is not doing the
same thing.  It gets past the "D I G I T A L" login
screen(DECW$LOGINOUT.EXE) but only to a 1/2 blank screen.
  What we need is to be able to turn on the workstation, and have it log all
the way into the Session Manager, so that it can then launch the program we
need it to.
  Any thoughts as to what I may be missing or could be wrong ????? Thanks

The Answer is :

  Please ensure you have the current ECO for DECwindows applied.
  If the problem persists with the current ECO for DECwindows applied,
  please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center.  Information on the
  DECwindows version, the relevent contents of DECW$SERVER_0_ERROR.LOG,
  as well as the particular graphics controller involved will be of
  interest (possibly one supported by Open3D?).  You may also be asked
  to edit the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_APPS_SETUP.COM file to enable the
  DECW$LOGIN.LOG mechanism, then to restart DECwindows, and look for any
  relevent information logged in that file...

answer written or last revised on ( 11-OCT-1999 )

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