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HP OpenVMS Systems

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The Question is:

Will there be a fix for the VMS 7.1 problem -
/SINCE=BACKUP/MOD gives %BACKUP-W-INCONQUALS, qualifier /BACKUP contradicts
qualifier /MODIFIED ??

The Answer is :

  There are BACKUP ECO kits available, and the OpenVMS Wizard would
  recommend applying the current kit.
  Even with the message, you should find that all files have been copied,
  but you will also want to consider the following excerpt from the
  "OpenVMS Version 7.1 Release Notes", section, entitled "/SINCE
  Qualifier Behavior Change":
     "With OpenVMS Version 6.2, the Backup utility was changed so that
     specifying the /SINCE qualifier caused more files to be saved
     than in previous releases.  This change was made to ensure the
     integrity of the contents of incremental save sets.
     For users who prefer the pre-Version 6.2 behavior when performing
     Backup operations that use the /SINCE qualifier, Version 7.1 includes
     a workaround, as shown in the following example:
     The first command creates a table called BACKUP$BTE.  The second
     command inserts the logical name BACKUP$BTE_DISABLE_SAVE_ALL_DIR
     into the table.  This logical invokes the pre-Version 6.2
     behavior for all Backup sessions in that process that use the
     /SINCE qualifier on any operation.
     This temporary workaround will be replaced by a new qualifier in
     a future release."

answer written or last revised on ( 11-OCT-1999 )

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