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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Y2K and DECserver?

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The Question is:

Are DECserver 200s still supported and if so are they (and the load
software) Y2K compliant?
The Y2k info is a bit ambiguous and appears to refer to Ultrix
Many thanks

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard is not in a position to answer Y2K Questions -- please
  direct all Y2K questions to the Compaq Y2K Wizard.  (The current Compaq
  Y2K product readiness information is accessable via the Y2K website.)
  Please search for the status of the DECserver 200 hardware product at
  the Compaq Y2K website -- see the OpenVMS FAQ for pointers to the Y2K
  Readiness information -- via part numbers such as DSRVB-AA and via UPIs
  such as VCB.  Searches by specific part number or UPI (rather than by
  product name) will typically produce the best results.

answer written or last revised on ( 11-OCT-1999 )

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