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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Transfer (duplication) of license for testing?

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The Question is:

I have two Alphaserver systems.  One is a Alphaserver 8400 running OpenVMS
and one is a Alphaserver 4100 running Digital Unix.   The 8400 is a
production system that I'd rather not bring down for extensive testing.  The
4100 is lightly used and generally
available for my "abuse".
Question:  Can I legally and easily use the 4100 as a temporarily OpenVMS
test system for Y2K?  If so, please let me know how to handle the license

The Answer is :

  Please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center for assistance
  with licensing and license-specific issues -- in general, this
  sort of transfer and parallel use requires at least a temporary
  license be acquired and registered for the AlphaServer 4100, but
  this can vary based on local contractual details and potential
  software licensing agreement differences.

answer written or last revised on ( 18-OCT-1999 )

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