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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Directory Creation?

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The Question is:

How do I create directories in VAX?

The Answer is :

  If this is OpenVMS VAX, the OpenVMS Wizard would strongly encourage
  you to avail yourself of the OpenVMS User's Guide.  You will find this
  document an invaluable resource for answering basic OpenVMS questions,
  and for finding out about the many OpenVMS capabilities available to you.
  The literal (pendantic) answer is "you can't" -- "VAX" is hardware, and
  requires the assistance of an operating system or run-time environment
  in order for constructs such as directories.
  As this is OpenVMS Wizard, the use of OpenVMS VAX will be assumed.  As
  such, please see HELP CREATE /DIRECTORY.
  Were this ULTRIX VAX or other UNIX implementations on VAX hardware,
  please see the mkdir command.  (For ULTRIX and other operating systems
  that run on VAX hardware, you will need to specify the operating system,
  and you will want to then contact the appropriate operating system wizard
  for assistance.)

answer written or last revised on ( 25-OCT-1999 )

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