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HP OpenVMS Systems

ask the wizard
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The Question is:

Is there any reason COM for OpenVMS is only available for OpenVMS Alpha and
not for OpenVMS Vax?  Are there any plans to introduce this to OpenVMS Vax?
Our legacy systems run on Open VMS Vax and we have no plans to move them to
Alpha, however some of our
 newer applications are being written in the Windows environment and we are
considering COM as a possible method.

The Answer is :

  The availability of COM support on OpenVMS Alpha was a business decision.
  The OpenVMS Wizard is unaware of any present plans to release COM support
  on OpenVMS VAX.
  Depending on the particular application environment requirements, direct
  web integration (CGI with HTML and potentially with embedded XML) or the
  BridgeWorks package may be of interest.

answer written or last revised on ( 2-NOV-1999 )

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