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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Assist Auditing Authorization Activity? (Security)

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The Question is:

Dear Wizard
Is it possible to log the changes made by VMS AUTHORIZE to the UAF, and the
RIGHTS and NETPROXY databases, who did what and when, we don't require any
journalling as such, just some kind of logging so we can trace problems to
changes made via AUTHORIZE. I
t can be especially difficult after deletion of critical objects to know
what's gone.
I would be grateful for any help you can provide.
Richard Smith

The Answer is :

    To log all UAF and RIGHTSLIST changes to the secutrity audit journal
    to send the messages to the console use:
    Here are some examples:
    UAF> grand/identifier net_anon wizard
    %%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM   4-NOV-1999 09:09:48.73  %%%%%%%%%%%
    Message from user AUDIT$SERVER on WIZBOX
    Security alarm (SECURITY) and security audit (SECURITY) on WIZBOX, system id: 62002
    Auditable event:          Identifier granted
    Event time:                4-NOV-1999 09:09:48.72
    PID:                      20A00217
    Process name:             WIZARD
    Username:                 WIZARD
    Process owner:            [WIZARD]
    Terminal name:            RTA1:
    Image name:               $46$DKB0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][SYSEXE]AUTHORIZE.EXE
    Identifier name:          NET_ANON
    Identifier value:         %X80010011
    Attributes:               none
    Holder name:              WIZARD
    Holder owner:             [WIZARD]
    %UAF-I-GRANTMSG, identifier NET_ANON granted to WIZARD
    UAF> modify wizard/pgflquota=100000
    %%%%%%%%%%%  OPCOM   4-NOV-1999 09:11:17.99  %%%%%%%%%%%
    Message from user AUDIT$SERVER on WIZBOX
    Security alarm (SECURITY) and security audit (SECURITY) on WIZBOX, system id: 62002
    Auditable event:          System UAF record modification
    Event time:                4-NOV-1999 09:11:17.98
    PID:                      20A00217
    Process name:             WIZARD
    Username:                 WIZARD
    Process owner:            [WIZARD]
    Terminal name:            RTA1:
    Image name:               $46$DKB0:[SYS0.SYSCOMMON.][SYSEXE]AUTHORIZE.EXE
    Object class name:        FILE
    Object name:              SYS$CLUSTER:[SYSEXE]SYSUAF.DAT;1
    User record:              WIZARD
    PGFLQUOTA:                New:      100000
                              Original: 65536
    Note that this audit is on by default.

answer written or last revised on ( 3-NOV-1999 )

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