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HP OpenVMS Systems

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VMB Boot Flags?

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The Question is:

I have just come across a MicroVAX 3500 which boots with the following:
B/80000 ddcu
What does this flag mean? It is bit 18 (if my calculations are correct) and
the only info I can find only goes up to bit 14. Apart from the root in
Using B/0 ddcu does not seem to make a difference!

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard is not aware of a particular meaning for bit 18
  in R5 in the version of VMB used in the KA650 CPU module used in the
  MicroVAX 3500 series, either in the version of VMB used in the console
  PROMs or in SYSBOOT.  (See the OpenVMS FAQ for details of the common
  VMB boot flags.)  Some systems will use this R5 flag to control the
  display of certain self-test status messages -- this is RPB$V_BOOTLOG.

answer written or last revised on ( 15-NOV-1999 )

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