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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Large QMAN$JOURNAL files?

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The Question is:

the SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER.QMAN$JOURNAL file has grown to 1242600 blocks is there
anyway to reduce the size of this file.  what is this file for?
can it be deleted? can it be moved?

The Answer is :

  The SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER.QMAN$JOURNAL file is the journal file that
  keeps the details of all queue entries.
  One reason for the journal file to continue growing is an accumulation
  of queue entries.  Check for run-away jobs submitting entries to stopped
  queues or queues with /RETAIN which are accumulating completed or aborted
  entries.  Such entries do need to be cleaned up.
  There is a known problem in OpenVMS V6.2 which would sometimes cause the
  journal file to grow for no apparent reason. This can be prevented by
  applying the latest ALPQMAN or VAXQMAN ECO.
  Once the file has grown,this (unsupported!) magic spell which will
  compact the journal:
  The SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER.QMAN$JOURNAL cannot be deleted.  Well, it could
  be deleted, but you would then need to rebuild your queue database
  largely from scratch.
  The journal and queue files reside in the directory referenced by the
  logical name QMAN$MASTER.  See the System Managers Manual for details
  on how to relocate the queue database.

answer written or last revised on ( 15-NOV-1999 )

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