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HP OpenVMS Systems

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DECnet and OSI over IP? (RFC)

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The Question is:

What does the layering of a DECnet packet look like?  We are running DECnet
over IP and want to be able to use our home grown 'snoop' program
to identify the contents of packets.  In order to do this I need to know the
size and fields in the DECnet structure (e.g.  the TCP header is 20 bytes
with a 16 bit source port field, 16 bit destination port field ...)

The Answer is :

  The DECnet Phase IV data structures are defined in the available
  architecture documentation -- see the OpenVMS FAQ for pointers.  The
  DECnet-Plus Architecture documentation is not as readily available,
  though the OSI stack is standards-compliant, as is the use of RFC 1859
  for DECnet over IP and RFC 1006 for OSI over IP.

answer written or last revised on ( 15-NOV-1999 )

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