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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Serving directories via NFS?

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The Question is:

Is it possible to link a win95pc runing some sort of NFS client software to
an alpha running OpenVMS +NFS?
I'be be very interested if this was possible and a how-to kind of reply.

The Answer is :

  Yes, this is possible.  You will first need the OpenVMS TCP/IP Services
  package or other NFS-capable IP package.  You will then need to install
  and configure the NFS server to serve the specified directories via NFS.
  Next, you will need to acquire an NFS client software package for the
  particular platform, and then install and configure it for the platform.
  The OpenVMS Wizard can sometimes assist with the OpenVMS portion of this
  when working with OpenVMS and TCP/IP Services, but strongly recommends
  you read the available TCP/IP Services product documentation.
  As for the NFS client and any necessary configuration and troubleshooting,
  that is outside the realm of the OpenVMS Wizard.
  Other alternatives to the use of NFS include Advanced Server (PATHWORKS)
  and SAMBA.  These and similar packages do not serve the information via
  the IP NFS protocol, they serve it via SMB.

answer written or last revised on ( 19-NOV-1999 )

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