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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Impact of DECwindows use?

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The Question is:

what is the impact of using DECwindows on my ALPHA server 2100 and 4100

The Answer is :

  Well, bluntly, anything from negligible memory use to complete
  system meltdown, depending on current system load, current
  system memory use, expected DECwindows use, the particular
  graphics controller model involved, the number of graphics
  heads present, the expected DECwindows performance level, etc.
  A difficult question to answer in isolation, in other words.
  The AlphaServer 2100 and AlphaServer 4100 series systems have
  more than sufficient CPU power to operate DECwindows, the chief
  concern usually being sufficient free physical memory and the
  current system load.

answer written or last revised on ( 22-NOV-1999 )

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