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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Third-party UNIBUS widget configuration?

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The Question is:

I'm running VMS 4.4 on a VAX-11/750 (soon to be VMS 5.5-2).  There is an
RA81 disk connected via a UDA50 controller on the UNIBUS.  I'd like to
attach an Emulex SD893 2.2Gbyte drive to the system.  The SD series is
UDA50-compatible and should appear as DU
A1, but SYSGEN AUTOCONFIGURE doesn't recognize it.  So the question is:  How
do I install non-standard DU devices?  Can you provide the steps or point me
to documentation that outlines the correct procedure?

The Answer is :

  Assuming this is not simply a case of an incorrect device CSR -- use
  SYSGEN CONFIGURE to determine the correct CSR for the widget -- then
  please contact the vendor or another user with this widget.   If the
  SYSGEN autoconfiguration support does not recognize the "non-standard
  DU device" and the device is at the correct CSR, then this device is
  truely non-standard, and you will need to determine from the vendor
  documentation, the vendor, or from another user familiar with this
  particular UNIBUS widget, exactly what SYSGEN sequence is required.

answer written or last revised on ( 29-NOV-1999 )

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