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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Changing limits on IP service?

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The Question is:

Product:Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha Version V4.1 - ECO 8  on a
DEC 3000 - M700 running OpenVMS V7.1
When issuing the UCX SET command:
$ucx set service cimgcs300 /port=2215/ -process_name=tsk_opcon300/-
$ucx show service cimgcs300/full
Service: CIMGCS300
                           State:     Enabled
Port:             2215     Protocol:  TCP             Address:
Inactivity:          5   User_name:SMITH           Process:  TSK_OPCON300
Limit:               1     Active:      0             Peak:       1
Flags:        Listen
Socket Opts:  Rcheck Scheck
 Receive:            0     Send:               0
Log Opts:     None
 File:        not defined
 Reject msg:  not defined
 Accept host:
 Accept netw:
I find that the connection limit is still one (1).   What is going on?

The Answer is :

  You will typically need to disable and reenable the service.
  Also, please consider an upgrade to TCP/IP Services V5.0A.

answer written or last revised on ( 29-NOV-1999 )

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