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HP OpenVMS Systems

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SNMP traps for OpenVMS resource management?

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The Question is:

I'm looking for a way to collect vital information about disk- &
memory-usage using SNMP...
As far as I've seen on 7.1 and 7.2 there's nothing forseen in the supplied
mibs to collect data regarding free-disk space, cpu-load, free ram,
excessive disk/cpu operations ...
and in 7.1 there's no way to send traps in case a certain treshold is
in 7.2 it seems to be possible ..?
Looking at previous questions/answers I cannot figure out if those MIBS
will be available in future releases or not..
Do you now any packet available which can monitor my network & can
warn me if certain tresholds are reached..

The Answer is :

  Short of writing your own or acquiring a package that includes
  the support, there is presently no mechanism in place that can
  generate SNMP traps for these events.
  Using the undocumented exe$getspi and the documented calls to
  sys$getdvi and similar, implementation of the site-specific
  requirements is not particularly difficult, though you will
  also have to generate the necessary SNMP traps yourself...

answer written or last revised on ( 29-NOV-1999 )

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