[an error occurred while processing this directive]

HP OpenVMS Systems

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BASIC IDENT directive operation?

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The Question is:

We have recently moved from a VAX cluster to an Alpha cluster.  After
re-compilling all of our library functions I noticed that some did not have
idents (LIB library-file/LIST/FULL).
The modules that dont have idents have a file that contains a common %
INCLUDED before the %IDENT statement.  This appears to be causing the
problem.  If I change one of the modules that doesnt have an ident in the
object library so that the %INCLUDE come
s after the %IDENT,
recompiled it and inserted it into the library and the ident showed up.
Do you know why this makes a difference ?
It would be nice to get this sorted without having to change hundreds of
modules because we use the ident for version controll.

The Answer is :

  Based solely on the syntax, the OpenVMS Wizard will guess that this
  is BASIC.  No, it is not clear why this ordering dependency exists,
  though this does appear to be a known problem in certain versions of
  the BASIC compiler -- please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center
  for assistance.  (Expect to be asked the version of BASIC in use, if
  this is indeed a BASIC program...)

answer written or last revised on ( 30-NOV-1999 )

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