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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Multiple Ethernet cards?

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The Question is:

Hardware:  2 Alpha server4000+HSZ50
Software: OpenVMS 7.1-1h2
   Each computer have 2 DE500 ehternet adapter,
each DE500 have a UCX address and a cluster_alias address.  And they are not
in the same LAN segment. We found we can ping one cluster_alias address, but
we can't ping another cluster_alias address. We still can ping the true
address of the adapter.
  And we find the DECnet PhaseIV only run on one of the DE500. by typing
following command:
  NCP>show k circuits
  it show only EWA-0, not the EWA-0 and EWB-0.
  Please tell me how to resolve this problem.

The Answer is :

  Please upgrade to the OpenVMS Alpha V7.1-2 or V7.2-1 release (or
  later), with the current associated ECO kits installed.
  DECnet Phase IV on OpenVMS Alpha is an end-node implementation, and
  operates solely on one interface.
  DECnet-Plus receives on multiple interfaces, but only transmits on
  multiple interfaces when host-based routing is enabled.
  As for PING, please see topic 3015 for a discussion of subnets and
  the general operation of PING with multiple network controllers.
  If these do not answer the specific question(s), please contact the
  Compaq Customer Support Center directly.

answer written or last revised on ( 3-DEC-1999 )

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