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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Third-party BACKUP tool and INVRECTYP? (Touch RTF)

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The Question is:

I backup machines remotely using Touch Technologies Remote Tape
Facility, successfully for many years. Since upgrading my Alpha cluster
to 7.2-1, I can no longer backup to a standalone Alpha, with getting
"BACKUP-E-INVRECTYP invalid record type in save set"
This problem does not happen during local backups. any ideas?

The Answer is :

  Please contact Touch Technologies for assistance with RTF, and
  for any specific recommendations they might have.
  INVRECTYP can also arise when BACKUP on older OpenVMS releases
  encounters a record generated by newer BACKUP releases.
  Also ensure that the process BACKUP quotas are set per the
  recommendations in the OpenVMS System Management documentation.

answer written or last revised on ( 24-JAN-2000 )

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