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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Third-party SCSI device support?

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The Question is:

I attempted to use an MLR-3 tape drive from Tandberg on our new Alpha Server
800.  That didn't end is success.  I understand that the TZ-87 and TZ-88 are
DLT devices marketted by Compaq/Digital.  Are other DLT drives from 3rd
parties, considering they are
 all now made by Quantum, compatible with my system?  I've read a lot of
posts on 3rd party SCSI and know your byline on this issue, however I'm
looking for some indication on whether I may succeed in using another DLT

The Answer is :

  Compaq goes to great lengths to integrate, test, and support the
  subsystems that it sells.  It is Compaq's position that primary
  support for third party products is the responsibility of the vendor
  concerned.  Compaq holds this position both for its own products,
  and for those sold by others for use on Compaq's server platforms.
  While Compaq cannot ensure the same high level of qualification
  and integration for third party products that is provided for
  products sold by Compaq, Compaq will ensure that the Compaq server
  and system platforms meet the appropriate open system standards, and
  that nothing will be done to inhibit either technically or from a
  business perspective the ability of Compaq servers to work with other
  vendor's products.  In the event a problem occurs, Compaq will work
  diligently to ensure that the Compaq components are not the cause.
    Ask the vendor if the widget has been tested in a configuration
    similar to that proposed here.
    Ask the vendor if they claim the configuration is supported.  (Also
    consider asking what process was used to determine this support.)
    Ask the vendor how they will work with Compaq if a problem is found,
    to help the customer and Compaq to identify the source of the problem.
  Please contact the folks that support the particular Tandberg drive for
  assistance.  If you do not have a vendor that you can contact, please
  contact your local Compaq Services (formerly Digital Services) office
  for assistance.
  SCSI is not a standardized interface, rather, it is a collection of
  optionally-implemented standardized features.
  Each SCSI host contains non-trivial SCSI driver software, and each SCSI
  device contains equally non-trivial firmware -- taken together with the
  mechanical and electronic compoents, this software and firmware will
  communicate storage-related requests using the SCSI protocol.   Hosts
  and devices have various optionally-implemented features, and both also
  implement vendor-specific protocol extensions for operations outside
  those explicitly specified in the SCSI protocol.
  Integration and testing work is mandatory with each new SCSI device, and
  there can be no certainty that any particular SCSI device will operate as
  expected in any particular configuration without first performing this work.
  There are OpenVMS ECO kits in the area of SCSI support that may or may not
  be applicable to this particular SCSI drive.  These kits are available at
  the http://search.service.digital.com/ website.
  In the case of the particular problem(s) reported here, the OpenVMS
  Wizard is unfamiliar with the particular device.  The OpenVMS Wizard
  would recommend further testing, particularly with recent OpenVMS
  versions and current ECOs (where applicable), and checking the system
  error log (via DIAGNOSE) for any SCSI commands that have been logged.

answer written or last revised on ( 31-JAN-2000 )

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