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HP OpenVMS Systems

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SHOW CLUSTER time displays 17-Nov-1858?

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The Question is:

Why do I see a Formed and Last_transition date of 17-nov-1858 when viewing
my cluster qualifications?
Path was:
$ show/cont
add clu/all
set scr=132
Display that follows is:View of Cluster from system ID 2093  node: EPICN1
2-FEB-2000 16:23:17
|      SYSTEMS      | MEMBERS |
| EPICN1 | VMS V7.2 |         |
|                                                              CLUSTER
|      0 |         0 |        0 |                 | NO      |      0 |
0 |      0 | 17-NOV-1858 00:00 | 17-NOV-1858 00:00 |
Is this a date related bug or a very strange default setting?  Can I and or
how do I change the values of FORMED and LAST_TRANSITION.

The Answer is :

  Because there is a quadword zero in the field -- 17-Nov-1858 is the
  OpenVMS system base date.  Now as to why that zero is in the fields
  in question, that question is far more difficult to answer -- well,
  assuming that this particular node is not simply a node that is
  running standalone.  (This particular display is normal for a node
  that is not operating in an OpenVMS Cluster.)
  As for modifications, there is no supported interface to access this
  information, short of the incidence of the particular transition.  If
  this node is running as an OpenVMS Cluster, then details on any recent
  system time changes, any unusual kernel-mode code that is running, as
  well as anything else that might help point to a cause will be of
  interest to the folks at the Compaq Customer Support Center.
  If this node is running standalone, then the time of the last system
  bootstrap (BOOTTIME) is available via f$getsyi/sys$getsyi/sys$getsyiw.

answer written or last revised on ( 3-FEB-2000 )

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