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HP OpenVMS Systems

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DLT MiniLibrary Utility? (MRU, MLU)

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The Question is:

I've got a DLT MiniLibrary (TL891) that I would like to command to
automatically mount tapes that have been inserted into the drive.. without
having to stand there for ten seconds while it does an 'inventory' and then
hit the 'enter' button five times so
that the tape is loaded from slot0 to dlt0.. do you know a command i could
use to accomplish this for me?
Rhett Nye
Pacific Coast Savings Credit Union
ISD - Data Centre Operations
Victoria BC

The Answer is :

  One potential approach is the MRU tool, or the older MLU tool.
  Please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center for assistance
  in acquiring this tool.

answer written or last revised on ( 25-FEB-2000 )

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