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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Resolving I/O-related System Hang?

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The Question is:

Running VMS V6.2 On an AlphaServer 1000 4/266, using UCX V4.1-12 (Jul 1996).
Our application reads and writes data to the UCX$DEVICE using standard QIO calls.
If we drive the Alpha with lots of data over TCP/IP, the Alpha can completely hang. No errors at all shown in ANAL/ERR, or in the operator.log file, or on the console.
The only option is a reboot.
Has this been reported before, or fixed in patches to VMS, or patches to UCX?

The Answer is :

  Please first upgrade to TCP/IP Services V4.2 with the current
  associated ECO kit.
  If the problem persists, then force the creation of an OpenVMS
  system crash dump from the system console, and then contact the
  Compaq Customer Support Center for assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 7-MAR-2000 )

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