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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Configuring and testing DE500?

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The Question is:

I'm working with an ALPHASERVER DS10 wich has a DE500 device (ethernet card) installed.
I would like to know how to check its hardware (and software) status.
And also, if you have any idea to test it without risk of dangering the devices!
thank you in advance,

The Answer is :

  The typical mechanism for testing network devices is to allow the device
  to autoconfigure, to configure DECnet and/or TCP/IP Services, and to then
  connect it to the network -- software-induced damage to hardware is rather
  unusual for cases such as this.
  There are several different DE500 devices, and specific requirements for
  these devices have been discussed here in the Ask The Wizard area -- this
  includes discussions of the controller self-test and the network settings
  environment variables.

answer written or last revised on ( 13-MAR-2000 )

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