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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Swapping StorageWorks Sans Shutdown?

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The Question is:

I have OpenVMS 7.1 running on Alphaserver4100. I have allso Enterprise storage
 aray. I'm asking can i switch UltraSCSI, while system is up and running. I
 wish that i don't have to shutdown the oracle database. I'm switching two
 (DS-RZ1DB-VW) disk and repl
acing with two 36.4Gb disks. I hope you'll understand my question...
Regards, Mikko Leino

The Answer is :

  Please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center or your local
  hardware maintenance organization, as information on your specific
  local configuration will be required.  Some configurations permit
  a SCSI bus to be quiesced, and some do not.

answer written or last revised on ( 31-MAR-2000 )

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