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HP OpenVMS Systems

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PATHWORKS NetWare Ethernet settings?

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The Question is:

We are currently running Pathworks for OpenVMS (Netware) V1.0 on our Alpha
 4000.    Obviously, our network is Netware and we require a netware volume to
 reside on our 4000.   It's to allow users to send mail messages via Groupwise
 through a "Gateway" (PC
running Pathworks Client V6) to our Help Desk System (Oracle database) which
 resides on the Alpha 4000.
I wanted to reconfigure Pathworks on the 4000 for Ethernet II because our LAN
 Manager wanted all configurations to use this frame type, as opposed to 802.2
 or 802.3.   However, the only option for frame types that I have in the
 configuration of Pathworks
for OpenVMS (Netware) is a frame type called Ethernet II (DIX).    When I
 choose this frame type, Pathworks will not come up.  The error message is...
 NPSD:  ConfigureLan:  adapter type ETHERNET_II function failed.
If I put it back to 802.2 (SAP) frame type, Pathworks will come up fine.
Now since I know the Pathworks for Netware software is no longer supported, I
 can't hope that the solution resides in upgrading the server software.    What
 are my options if we want to remain using Netware.   Ideas?  Suggestions how I
 can get around this
Sherry Phillips
TCPWare was already reconfigured to use Ethernet II and all worked well.

The Answer is :

  There is insufficient information here for an accurate answer.
  Please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center directly, as
  additional information will be required.

answer written or last revised on ( 23-MAY-2000 )

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