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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Third-party SCSI disk hardware?

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The Question is:

Hi Folks,
We've just upgraded our cluster  to OpenVMS 7.2-1 from version 6.2. A couple of
 our disks will no longer mount, giving the message "mount-f-filestruct,
 unsupported file structure level". These are Seagate st423451n disks, ods-2.
 We have other disks of thi
s type on the same scsi chain, which mount successfully. Searching your online
 docs here, it seems we should only be getting this message by trying to use
 ods-5 disks on pre version 7.2 systems, which is not the case.
Since I can't mount the disks (other than as foreign), I can't use 'set
 vol/structure_level' to try to fix it.
My current ideas: take one of our machines, install Openvms 6.2 and see if I
 can use the disks there, or re-initialize the disks and recover all the files
 as necessary (a task I'm trying to avoid).
Also, today I noticed that a third disk, a quantum fireball se8.4s (ods-2), was
 not mounted on one of the members of our cluster. After dismounting the disk,
 I not cannot mount it on any of the cluster members, getting the message:
 "mount-w-inconstruct, i
nconsistent file structure level on _hrdib$dka0:
-mount-i-dosetvol, use set volume/structure_level and remount
%mount-f-filestruct, unsupported file structure level"
Thanks very much,
Al Marshall
University of Michigan

The Answer is :

  The contents of these disks initially appears to be corrupted, or
  these disks are failing or are otherwise incompatible with OpenVMS,
  or there is a SCSI configuration or local hardware problem.
  Please first contact the vendor of the disk drives for assistance
  and to determine if this is a known problem with these devices.
  Then please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center to ensure
  that the problem you are seeing is with the disks and not with
  OpenVMS itself -- expect to be asked for the error logs, as
  well as other information relevent to determining if this is an
  OpenVMS problem or a problem with the third-party disk device.
  This will involve the drive vendor working with OpenVMS Engineering
  to resolve the underlying problem -- whether it be in OpenVMS or in
  the disk device or in the local configuration.
  Please also see existing topics such as 4467, 4409, and 2048.

answer written or last revised on ( 9-JUN-2000 )

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