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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Nodename change and PATHWORKS licensing?

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The Question is:

We are working with a Alpha VMS cluster system running VMS 7.1-2 and Pathworks
 V6.0.  This system is a "copy" of a previous system we had configured with
 basically only the node names being changed.  The old system is no longer
 located on our network.  It
 appears the name change has been successful except that the Pathworks License
 Manager still thinks it has the old node names.  The only place we see the old
 names is on the Windows NT workstations when they claim a license and show the
 old node name(s) o
f the old Alpha Server.  The Windows NT workstations are totally new, installed
 from scratch so it does not seem likely they have any previous knowledge of
 the old License Server.  Is there any way to change the node name that the
 Pathworks License Server
 believes he is?
Thanks for any help you can provide.

The Answer is :

    [Thanks to Steve Pitcher for the answer below]
    Often, a client is configured to request a license from a
    License Server of a particular name, so, we do provide a way to move a
    License Server name from one computer to another, regardless the name
    of the computer.  The License Server name is recorded in the License
    In this case, it would appear that this file was copied from the old
    cluster to the new one... Thus the new License Server is running with
    the old name.  You can see the License Server's name in its logfile:
    PWRK$LOGS:PWRK$LICENSE_SERVER_xxx.LOG, where xxx is the nodename of the
    computer the License Server is running on.
    The only way to clear this old License Server name is to delete the
    License Server State File and stop and restart the License Server.
    This will have the side effect of also deleting all license groups
    that have been defined.

answer written or last revised on ( 30-JUN-2000 )

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