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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Third-party Q-bus hardware? (DQ132)

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The Question is:

I Have a problem in my tape controller (MU), I tried to replace the controller
 with MS unit (DQ132), after replacing the controller the system dumps. When
 removing the MS Controller and replacing it with the original MU controller ,
 the system runs Ok. Ho
wever, if I removed the MU Controller the SYSGEN Still configure the Tape
 controller. Could that be the problem and how could i remove it from the
 sysgen, However AUTOCONFIGURE did not work.

The Answer is :

  Please contact the DQ132 vendor of the controller for assistance.
  The OpenVMS Wizard will assume this is a Q-bus system running
  OpenVMS VAX.
  For the correct use of AUTOCONFIGURE and CONFIGURE and for how
  to work with the Q-bus, please see the existing discussions here
  in Ask The Wizard (eg: topics (1149) and (3232)), and the Q-bus
  information referenced in the OpenVMS FAQ.

answer written or last revised on ( 9-JUL-2001 )

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