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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Compaq now owns OpenVMS?

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The Question is:

I searched the FAQ and online answers and counld not find the answer to this
 question. I was an OpenVMS systems manager for about 10 years, up until about
 3 years ago (I think the last OS upgrade I did was to OpenVMS 6.2). I have
 been working in UNIX (SUN
, IBM, SGI) environments since then, and lost touch with my OpenVMS roots.
 Today, looking for DEC, I stumbled into Compaq instead. Is there a recent
 history of the past few years that explains how OpenVMS came to Compaq? I need
 som catching up. Thanks.

The Answer is :

  Compaq purchased Digital Equipment Corporation some time ago,
  thus acquiring the Digital product line.

answer written or last revised on ( 3-SEP-2000 )

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