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HP OpenVMS Systems

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Remote Database Access?

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The Question is:

Hi !
We have got 2 systems A & B on the network. We have defined a logical on system
 A which points to the database on system B.
AXPVMS>sh log vector$db$dev
Right now we are in a phase of move to some other location. So, I have another
 system, system C, which is configured to work as system B. System C is
 remotely located and there is no Decnet connectivity between system A and
 system C. My question is how ca
n I achieve the function of the abovesaid logical in my temporary setup?
Thanks & Regards

The Answer is :

  You have told the OpenVMS Wizard that you have a logical name, at least
  one (unspecified) database, three nodes, limited network connectivity,
  and that you need to relocate files.
  This information is unfortunately rather insufficient.
  The most obvious approach would be to load the user files to archival
  media, and reload them on the target system.  Other alternatives for
  migrating include clustering, but this configuration is dependent on
  the availability of the necessary licenses and on the particular
  interconnect(s) available amongst the systems.
  Redirecting access from one node to another (remotely) depends rather
  highly on the particular database -- some databases permit this, and
  others do not.  Some database packages can use DECnet FAL (which is
  what underlies the usual OpenVMS RMS-based remote file access) fore
  remote access, and others use ODBC or other protocols for remote access.
  Please contact your reseller or Compaq Customer Support for assistance,
  as rather more information will be required.

answer written or last revised on ( 1-SEP-2000 )

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