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DECnet, routing, and cluster alias?

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The Question is:

We have the following configuration:-
2 x AlphaServer 1000 4/233
License - NAS200 and VMSCLUSTER
We used VMS6.2/DECnet IV. This allowed us to setup the alphas as phase IV L1
 routers and configure a cluster alias. Other phase IV nodes could connect ok.
We have upgraded to VMSV7.2-1/DECnetV. The same license PAKs allow the use of
 the alphas as routers and clustering.
Everything seems ok except that other phase IV nodes cannot find the cluster
 alias eg SET HOST ALIAS fails with node unavailable. Other phase IV routers
 can see the alphas in NCP so some element of routing is working.
The V7.2 documentation suggests that I may need a seperate DECnet V routing
 node in addition to the two alphas
True or False?
Thanks for your help.

The Answer is :

  OpenVMS Alpha DECnet Phase IV does not and can not supported routing,
  though an "extended" license is available and which does permit the
  use of the cluster alias.  DECnet-Plus (DECnet Phase V) permits
  host-based routing as well as the use of a cluster alias -- though
  if all nodes are DECnet-Plus, no router is required.
  The DECnet-plus planning guide, the advanced installation guide, and
  the management guide are all useful when setting up and running a
  cluster alias in a mixed phase network.  Please see:
  NAS Base Server 200 (SPD 44.54.xx) licenses various packages and DECnet
  functions, and specifically licenses DECnet end-node capabilities.
  NAS Base Server 300 (SPD 44.55.xx) supports DECnet extended function
  capabilities, and there are also specific licenses for this.
  Alternatively, a DVNETEXT license can be used.
  In order to configure the cluster alias you must run:
    "@sys$manager:net$configure advanced"
  One common approach for setting up the alias does use an external
  Please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center directly, as some
  additional information on the environment and the configuration will
  be required here.

answer written or last revised on ( 19-SEP-2000 )

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