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HP OpenVMS Systems

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ODM Open DECserver Manager? (TSM)

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The Question is:

Hello Wizard,
I am looking for a replacement of Terminal Server Management because it is
 retired. In discussion 4324 I found a name ODM. Could you give me some info on
 where to get it? When I do a search on ODM on AltaVista I receive everything
 except information on a
Terminal Server Management package.

The Answer is :

  ODM (Open DECserver Manager) is not currently a standard offering.
  For product details and availability, please contact the SSG Business
  Manager on 01925 841841 (+44 1925 841841) (UK).
  ODM assumes with IP-based protocols.  Older DECserver devices cannot
  and do not use IP-based protocols, and are thus incompatible with ODM.

answer written or last revised on ( 24-OCT-2000 )

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