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HP OpenVMS Systems

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RWZ53 support on HSZ50?

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The Question is:

Is it possible to attach a RWZ53 Optical disk drive to a HSZ50 ?  I have tried
 adding as CDROM type or PASSTHROUGH, but I get error's. One thing that is
 strange is that the device is not found when I run CONFIG and also I find that
 there is a : SHOW OPTIC
AL command but no ADD OPTICAL command.  I know that DIGITAL gave up with RWZ53
 disk drives some time ago , but I still love them to bits.
Heres hoping !!

The Answer is :

  Please contact the Compaq Customer Support Center for assistance with
  this device and this configuration.
  The CD-R (CD Recordable) media is likely the most common and most direct
  alternative to this particular widget.

answer written or last revised on ( 16-NOV-2000 )

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